Project Lead: Jeff Ochs and Erin Martin
Focus Area: Funding
Minnesota Afterschool Advance (MAA) is a collaboration between Venn Foundation and Youthprise that helps low-income Minnesota families statewide take advantage of the underused Minnesota Education Tax Credit (METC).
The METC offers eligible families a reimbursement of up to $1,000 per child per year for eligible after-school services like tutoring, music lessons, academic enrichment, and driver’s ed. If every eligible family in Minnesota used the full amount for their students in grades K-12, it would equate to $275 million annually. However, less than $12 million is used each year because families must pay for services up front and then wait to be repaid until they get their tax refund, sometimes more than a year later. Many low-income families do not have the cash flow for this model to work. MAA eliminates this barrier by creating a loan pool to issue 0%, no-fee PRI loans to the families allowing them to pay for the activities. The family assigns this portion of their tax refund back to Venn to use again with new students.
Learn more here.